Food to strengthen teeth and keep the mouth healthy

Mouth-healthy Lunches: Tips From Our Pediatric Dentists

There are plenty of foods that aren’t the best choice when it comes to oral health, such as sticky or sugary foods. However, there are plenty of foods that offer a wide variety of benefits and are actually beneficial for your child to eat. Food has the power to strengthen teeth and keep the mouth healthy. Following are some foods to incorporate into your child’s lunches to promote tooth health! Cheese While cheese has many health benefits including being a great source of protein, it’s also healthy for your teeth! ...

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Wisdom Teeth

Signs That Wisdom Teeth Are Growing in

Wisdom teeth can be a huge nuisance, both to your everyday life and your overall health. Most people need their wisdom teeth taken out at some point because their mouth doesn’t have enough room for them. They can also cause additional issues such as infection and tooth misalignment. Impacted wisdom teeth can also cause a slew of issues if they’re not taken out. Wisdom teeth grow in at different ages for different children, but if your child has any of the following symptoms, there’s a chance they’re growing in and ...

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Soothing Teething Tots | Pediatric Dentist in Dallas

If your baby is teething, they’re most likely going to be fussy due to the pain and discomfort they feel. You may be wondering: at what age should your child start seeing a dentist? Do you need to bring them in as soon as they start teething? Or not until they’re a few years? The answer is that you should schedule their first dental visit around 6 months from when their first tooth comes in; but until then, there are many ways you make the teething process easier for them - and you! Massage Their Gums Applying eve...

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Preparing For Your Child’s Tooth Extraction

While it’s our goal for your child to keep all their baby teeth until they naturally fall out, there are certain situations where our dentists find it best to remove a tooth. If there’s so much tooth decay that it can’t be repaired, if baby teeth are getting in the way of orthodontic alignment, or if there’s some sort of other issue that would be solved by removing the tooth, then it’s the route that’s usually taken. Following are ways you can ensure your child will have the best possible experience. Talk With Them O...

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Busting Myths About Children’s Pediatric Dentistry

There are lots of myths surrounding children’s oral health, and as a parent, you want to make sure you’re paying attention to the right information. Following are some common facts you may have heard that we’re busting. Cavities Can’t Form in Baby Teeth This is certainly a myth- tooth decay that occurs in baby teeth can very easily affect adult teeth. If tooth decay happens in baby teeth, they will need to be taken out, which easily affects mouth spacing. The open space in the mouth will need to be carefully maint...

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Braces Care This Holiday Season: Holiday Foods to Avoid

Although braces will leave you with a beautiful smile once they’re off, you do have to follow a little bit of a stricter regimen when they’re on. This involves avoiding certain foods that can break them or get stuck in them. When the holidays roll around, there may be extra temptations with all the celebrations and family dinners. So what foods should braces-wearers avoid this holiday season? Candy Canes Candy canes are a special treat around this time of year. However, they are very hard, and if you bite down on them...

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Will Thumb Sucking Affect Teeth?

If your child sucks their thumb, you’re most likely wondering if it can have an impact on their teeth. While thumb sucking is natural for young children, if they still do it consistently as they get older and grow teeth, it can begin to greatly impact their dental health. Roof of the Mouth Thumb sucking can greatly affect the palate, which is the roof of the mouth. The constant pressure from thumb sucking can cause great sensitivity and discomfort, and can also cause the roof of the mouth to curve more. This reduc...

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Overcoming Dental Anxiety in Children

It’s perfectly normal for children to be nervous about going to the dentist. They may be scared being around new people, if they’ll go through any unfamiliar dental procedures, or simply from negative experiences at past dental offices that don’t cater towards children. Whatever the reason may be, there are plenty of ways you can foster a positive attitude towards the dentist. It’s best to take these steps to prevent anxiety or fear from turning into a serious dental phobia. Bring Their Favorite Toy Perhaps the...

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    (972) 793-0735

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