‘Dental wear’ is a term used to describe various forms of wear-and-tear that a person’s teeth will withstand over the course of their life. Many people aren’t overly concerned with protecting their teeth until after the dental wear process has already begun, and the effects can be quite severe. At Rio Dental & Orthodontics, we want to help our patients form the good habits that will protect their smile for years to come.
Brushing Too Hard
Many children (and adults) brush their teeth with far more force and pressure than they should. Brushing too hard, or using too firm of a toothbrush, can wear down a person’s tooth enamel and leave their teeth more vulnerable to decay and damage. Brushing too hard along the gumline can also lead to gum recession.
: Be gentle with your teeth and gums! If you’re helping your child learn how to brush, encourage them to brush slowly and carefully. Additionally, you should choose only soft-bristled toothbrushes (never ‘medium’ or ‘firm’).
Improper Dental Alignment
A common misconception is that teeth straightening is a cosmetic procedure—far from it! Teeth are meant to fit together a certain way; if your teeth are misaligned, they may be clashing against one another and doing harm. This can lead to headaches, digestion problems, and significant wear-and-tear on their teeth. The damage caused by an off-bite can range from slightly worn surfaces to chips or fractures.
: Undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners can help prevent or correct these problems.
Some people experience bruxism, which is a word for habitual grinding or clenching of the teeth during the daytime or at night. While there’s some research to suggest that sleep bruxism can run in families, this condition can also be triggered by stress, or as a response to another kind of dental pain.
: If you notice repeated headaches, jaw pain, and tooth sensitivity, you may be grinding your teeth at night or during the day. Visiting a dentist can help identify the source of the issue. Some children and adults may need to wear a nighttime mouthguard as part of treatment.
What You Can Do
When it comes to children’s dentistry, the focus is largely preventative. Our pediatric dentist in Irving, TX for professional care and advice that will help your child protect their beautiful, natural smile. Contact us today to set up an appointment.